The People of Pike Place Market was a collaboration project between myself Seattle Weekly and Pike Place Market. The vision for this project originated out of my fascination with the market and the serendipitous need to tell the stories by Pike Place Market Foundation. A mutual friend had heard both of our longings within the same month and matched us up. It often baffles me how one can set their intentions on something and through the power of intention or universe or God or whatever you want to call it, people find each other and ways to create.
This is also so familiar to the deeper stories one could find by learning about the people that make up this wonder, one of Seattles most beloved tourist attraction that also has a rich history and is the home to thousands who work and live their daily lives there. Through the stories i grew to know a lot more about the family of Pike Place.
The stories of this family had everything from passing romances that turned into families, tragedies and losses that are so devastating you’d cry, times when the whole community came together to save other businesses, people raising peoples children, children learning how to create their own small businesses in the community, farmers who lost entire crops and other farms that came out to help replant fields, threats of shut down, threats of violence, secret ghost stories, and secret shops and rooms.
Together Pike Place Market Foundation, Seattle Weekly and myself brought these stories to life. You can find these stories at “People of Pike Place Market”
Emory Carl: Pike Place Busker